Wednesday, 25 February 2015

talking about PHOBIAS

Do I suffer from any PHOBIAS? I'm afraid of mice and insects creeping on me suddenly. I don't appreciate being in particularly high places, although I do live on the 10th floor. Obviously a PHOBIA stands for a tremendously overwhelming fear, so I believe I'm excluded from the club. However I do enjoy talking about PHOBIAS with the students. It's a good way to learn something personal about them and it's a nice opportunity to practice adverbials of reason. Check the lesson plan below on PHOBIAS. I hope it'll come in handy when you decide to explore the subject with your classes. 
Choose the best options for sentences below.

I'm really afraid __________ spiders!    
A. of                            B. on                C. at                 D. by   

Even seeing a picture of a snake makes me _____________ strange.
A. feeling                     B. felt               C. feel              D. to feel                    

When I go to a high place I'm a bundle of ______________      
A. nervous.                  B. nervy.         C. nerves.         D. nerve.                     

Which of the following scary words is the strongest?              
A.  afraid                      B.  frightened   C. terrified        D. scared                    

If you are really frightened you might get as white as _______.                       
A. a sheet                    B. snow            C. a ghost        D. milk                                    

If you are scared of everything, people might call you '_________'!      
A. hen                          B.  rooster        C. duck            D. chicken

Name the phobias on the video and explain why may people be afraid of things illustrated. Use different phrases describing results.

* fear of ______________________________________
(because) ____________________________________________________________________________________
* fear of ______________________________________
(because of) __________________________________________________________________________________ 
* fear of ______________________________________
(as) _________________________________________________________________________________________
* fear of ______________________________________
(due to) ______________________________________________________________________________________
* fear of ______________________________________
(since) _______________________________________________________________________________________
* fear of ______________________________________
(because of –ing) ______________________________________________________________________________

Listen to 6 people. Write what are they afraid of and answer questions below.

a. Adrienne, United States                    _________________________________
b. Conrad, The United States                _________________________________
c. Peter, Sweden                                  _________________________________
d. Philip, United Kingdom                     _________________________________
e. Skip, United States                          _________________________________
f.  Barbara, Australia                             _________________________________

1) Adrienne doesn't like large insects ____. 
a) in her apartment        b) on the street

2) Conrad has the same phobia as _____. 
a) his father                  b) his grandfather

3) Peter doesn’t like  _____. 
a) fishing                      b) swimming

4) Phillip tried _____.
a) hang gliding             b) bungee jumping

5) Skip looks like _____.
a) he’s rich                   b) he hasn’t got any money  

6) Why is Barbara scared of insects?. 
a) They're hard to kill     b) There's never just one


  • Do you suffer from any phobias?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • Are you a chicken or have you got nerves of steel?
  • What was your biggest fear when you were a child?
  • What different things are men and women afraid of?
  • Rank these. Put the scariest at the top. 
____cyber-bullies     ____darkness     ____exams     ____ghosts     ____health checks     ____horror movies   ____public speaking ____rollercoasters

  • How can we help people overcome these phobias?

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Valentine's Day Wishes

Happy Valentine's everyone! 
Single or with somebody special near you, 
may you feel love and affection every day of your life!

Thursday, 12 February 2015

talking about SUPERSTITIONS

As a highly anticipated Friday the 13th is just around the corner, I've decided to introduce a grammar lesson which also explores the subject of SUPERSTITIONS, crazy customs and urban legends. It works great with FIRST CONDITIONAL practice. Having done this lesson many times, I've learnt quite a lot of bizarre superstitions I had no idea existed. at the same time the students have lots of fun sharing them with me. Enjoy and beware of the black cats tomorrow!

  • Do you believe in superstitions?
  • Do you know anyone superstitious?
  • Do you carry a lucky charm?
Look at the examples of superstitions below.

If you break a mirror, you will have 7 years of bad luck.
If you walk under a ladder, something bad will happen to you.

The grammar structure used in these sentences is FIRST CONDITIONAL situations or events that might happen in the future. The structure of the sentence is as follows:


e.g.    If it rains, I won't go to the park.                      
          If she doesn't leave soon , she'll miss the bus.

What do you think those superstitions mean? Finish the sentences.

1.        If you open an umbrella in the house ______________________________________________
2.        If you put new shoes on the table _________________________________________________
3.        If you plan to do important things on Friday the 13th _________________________________
4.        If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake in one go _________________________

Make a list of superstitions that you know.

(1) …………………………………………………………………………………………
(2) …………………………………………………………………………………………
(3) …………………………………………………………………………………………
(4) …………………………………………………………………………………………
(5) …………………………………………………………………………………………
(6) …………………………………………………………………………………………

Give each student a part of the reading on superstitions in different countries. They should read it and then describe it to their classmates and transform it into a FIRST CONDITIONAL sentence. 

1. Stay forever young by carrying an acorn
Forget anti-ageing creams - in Ancient Britain, women carried acorns in their pockets to stay looking young. The oak tree was a symbol of longevity and health.

2. Don't chew gum at night
Do you like freshening up before a night out? Better use mouthwash. Some people believe that if you're chewing gum at night, you're actually chewing “the flesh of the dead".

3. Eat grapes at midnight for good luck
On New Year's Eve in Spain, not everyone kisses as the clock strikes twelve. The superstitious Spanish people eat twelve grapes at midnight for 12 months of good luck.

4. Tuck your thumbs in if you pass a graveyard
In Japan, if you walk by a graveyard, you must tuck your thumbs in to protect your parents. This is because the Japanese word for thumb literally translates as "parent-finger" and so when you hide it you are protecting your parents from death.

5. If a bird poos on your house, you'll be rich
In Russia, if a bird poos on you, your car or your property it's good luck, and may bring you riches. The more birds do it, the richer you'll be!

  • Have you ever met anyone who has seen a ghost? Where did they see it? 
  • Do you have a lucky number? What number? Why is this your lucky number?
  • What lucky things have happened to you recently?
  • What unlucky things have happened to you recently?
  • What do you do if you want to have good luck?
  • How do you feel about superstitions?
  • Why do you think people continue to believe in superstitions?
  • Do you usually have good luck or bad luck?
  • Do you believe in seeing the future?

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Since St. Valentine's Day is slowly approaching, let me share with you my take on the subject of dating and relationships. The lesson focuses not necessarily on the language of love but I believe it's quite interesting and could serve as a nice change from somehow cliche materials we tend to use on that day. Anyway, hope you like it and have a great Valentine's!
  • Have you ever been on a blind date?
  • Do you think it’s a good way to find love?
  • What do you think about Internet dating?
  • How did you meet your girlfriend/boyfriend?

Watch a video and fill in the blanks in the statements people are making.

“I thought it would be a kind of 1_____________ way to meet some new people.”

“ It’s hard to find and meet people 2_____________ anymore.”

“We usually go 3____________ first then personality so this is kind of cool to mix it up.”

“I think there’s so much more to people than just what you see, but often we don’t allow ourselves to see the other side and we’re 4_____________ the book by its cover.”

 “I had a good time. I’ve enjoyed talking to 5____________ single one of the girls.”

“They came here, they put their heart out there, and if you don’t find love, you might as 6_____________ make a friend.”

Match the idioms with their definitions and then use them in the sentences below.

a blind date * a double date * to have a crush on sb
* to fall head over heels in love

______________ a date where two couples go out together
______________ a date with someone you’ve never seen or met before
______________ to like someone very much and you’re attracted to them
______________ to fall deeply in love with someone, especially suddenly. 

1.   Roger ______________ with Maggie, and they were married within a month. 
2.   They went on a ______________ with her brother and his girlfriend.
3.   She never goes on ______________. She prefers to see someone first and then go out with him.
4.   I ______________ my music teacher when I was in high school.

  • Have you ever been on a double date?
  • Have you ever had a crush on somebody?
  • Have you ever fallen head over heels in love with somebody?

Sunday, 1 February 2015

talking about BEAUTY PAGEANTS

Today I'd like to share with you some material which focus on the subject of BEAUTY PAGEANTS. However the reading and the video available below are focusing on a rather unusual beauty contest promoting tolerance towards disabled people. The lesson may be a nice extension to the subject of beauty and how do we perceive one another, or it may also add to the discussion on disabilities. Hope you enjoy it.
Read the text and match the bolded words with their synonyms below.

THE MISS AMAZING PAGEANT - A pageant that celebrates the talents of young women with disabilities was held recently in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Miss Amazing Pageant aims to help girls with disabilities make friends, gain SELF-ESTEEM and SHOW OFF their talents. Rissely Parra, Utah Miss Amazing state director, said they provide a HAVEN for the girls: “It’s not like a beauty pageant,” she said. “It’s a safe environment for these girls.”
The Miss Amazing Pageant also helped collect food for the Utah Food Bank; the entry FEE was five cans of food, and those entry fees all went to local food banks. Parra said she enjoys being part of the pageant. “It was fun to see them all,” she said. “They just all loved getting their crowns, and they get trophies.” The Miss Amazing Pageant is CURRENTLY held in 25 states, and event organizers hope to EXPAND the pageant to all 50 states soon.

___________________ at the moment
___________________ a cost or pay
___________________ a safe place
___________________ confidence and self-respect
___________________ to demonstrate
___________________ to spread or grow

  1. Who can take part in the Miss Amazing Pageant?
  2. What are the main objectives of the pageant?
  3. What’s the entry fee?
Watch a video on Miss Amazing Alaska Pageant and choose the best answers for the questions below.

1. Who can compete in Miss Amazing Alaska Beauty Pageant?
a. girls with special abilities       b. girls age 5 up           c. any woman
2. What sort of disability does Bianca have?
a. autism                                  b. epilepsy                   c. fear of open spaces
3. Which disability is NOT mentioned in the video?      
a. epilepsy                               b. FASD                      c. heart disease
4. How many girls will enter the nationals.
a. three queens                        b. one queen                c. one in each category

Do you like the idea of such a pageant? Give some examples of its pros and cons.